Battery TechnologyThe temperature’s effect on batteriesIf the car won't start after the winter, it is often not because of the cold but the hot summer temperatures before.
Battery BasicsThe right battery for short distancesShort trips put a strain on car batteries. Several points must be noted to ensure long battery life.
Battery TestingInterpretation of battery testsWhat information does a battery test provide? How to assess battery test results.
Battery TestingTesting the battery - Step-by-stepTesting of a conventional starter battery can be carried out more quickly than a check of an AGM battery.
Battery Basics The car won't startIf the car wont start, the battery is often dead or defective. Possible causes and hints for avoiding them.
Start-StopEFB + AGM differencesCriteria must be noted for the choice between EFB and AGM batteries. There is not always a free choice.
Battery Basics Charging car batteriesCare is essential when charging a car battery. This is how to safely charge the battery.
Battery Basics How to jump start correctlyIf a car will not start, a weak battery is often the cause. How to jump start?
Start-StopHow automatic start-stop worksAutomatic start-stop systems help to save fuel. But does start-stop work and what is the role of the battery?
Battery TestingTesting the battery - Step-by-stepTesting of a conventional starter battery can be carried out more quickly than a check of an AGM battery.